Preliminary Flight Order Day Three
Here are the results of Preliminary Day Three
We woke up before 6 am to be on time for the third flight of CPLR in this Championship. The wind was strong, specially in altitude, blowing most of the time down the runway, with some turbulence. Temperature in the morning was in the high 70's, and by noon was reaching for the rest of the day the high 90's. Flying in these conditions was not that easy.... Loïc flew too at site 1 later in the morning, and Benoit had his flight at site 3 around 3.48 pm. Just before his flight during lunch time, we stopped at the AMA Museum, it's really worth it.
During the day I had time for some pics , and was very happy to meet friends : David Stodart and specially Rich Verano I had not seen for more than 15 years.
We had the opportunity at site 1 to shoot a great picture : four F3A World Champions : Chip Hyde, Wolfgang Matt, Giichi Naruke and Christophe Paysant-Le Roux
We completed the day at the AMA field with some free aerobatic flight practice.
Tomorrow will be the last preliminary day, and we will know who will fly the semis-finals...
The good news is 30 pilots will enter the semis.